Furious Love Event - Mattheus van der Steen - Mind Warfare
The Furious Love Event Collection
Looking back on our films, we have very few regrets. One of our major regrets, though, was not being able to put more of Mattheus van der Steen in Furious Love. He’s one of the least “religious” people we know and, as you will see in these sessions, he is not afraid to be honest! Known for his sense of humor and authenticity, Mattheus van der Steen digs into the topic of Mind Warfare during his second session at the Furious Love Event.
Up Next in The Furious Love Event Collection
Furious Love Event - Mattheus van der...
Looking back on our films, we have very few regrets. One of our major regrets, though, was not being able to put more of Mattheus van der Steen in Furious Love. He’s one of the least “religious” people we know and, as you will see in this Furious Love Event session, he is not afraid to be honest,...
Furious Love Event - Viewpoints
Conceived as a way to further the dialogue surrounding the topics raised by Finger of God and Furious Love. Ten speakers from the Furious Love Event give their individual thoughts on five main areas of controversy: Healing, Love & Deception, Prophecy, Spiritual Warfare, and The Kingdom of God. Th...
Furious Love Event - Q&A
More than anything, this group is real. They weren’t afraid to answer tough questions and talk about their own fears and failures. The whole session brought a refreshing honesty and vulnerability not often shown by spiritual leaders. This Furious Love Event Q&A session includes Heidi & Rolland Ba...