Furious Love Event - Will Hart - Whos Your Daddy
The Furious Love Event Collection
1h 21m
Will became a “fan favorite” at the Event because of his energy, enthusiasm, honesty, and his constant admonition to “just go”. Will carries a fearless message for the church, to basically get over ourselves and start engaging the world around us. In Will Hart's second session at the Furious Love Event, he uses humor and stories to challenge the church to wake up.
Up Next in The Furious Love Event Collection
Furious Love Event - Robby Dawkins - ...
Darren’s wife used to say, “Robby needs to be given to the world,” and we always hoped our films would in some way help to make that happen. Robby has authority and experience and a wealth of wisdom, yet he is also incredibly grounded. Experience + Biblical Roots = Robby Dawkins. In this Furious ...
Furious Love Event - Robby Dawkins - ...
Darren’s wife used to say, “Robby needs to be given to the world,” and we always hoped our films would in some way help to make that happen. Robby has authority and experience and a wealth of wisdom, yet he is also incredibly grounded. Experience + Biblical Roots = Robby Dawkins. Enjoy. In this s...
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